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For Students

7th and 8th grade students at Collegium will have many opportunities

to get involved this year! 




The first ever Collegium Charter Middle School Art Club runs allows students to work on independently driven projects  

            - Sculpt with clay

            - Create custom sketchbooks

            - Work with acrylic paint on canvas

            - Paint and design murals





The school art show is a great chance for interested students to volunteer time or talent for exhibition set-up and art demonstrations. 

            - Mat and hang artwork

            - Attach artist nametags

            - Run a demonstration (make some art and show how it's done!)

            - Help sell Collegium art work at the show




CCS hopes to start a brand, shiny new, National Jr. Art Honor Society this year! 

            - Work hard in and out of artclass

            - Help the community with your creative touch

            - Qualify for scholarships




Help around the art room and get behind-the-scenes experience on running an art studio. Art "interns" might choose to help a little extra during class time, or stop down during a study hall at prearranged times. Every student can be an art intern; just ask! 



If you are interested in getting involved in any of the above opportunities, contact Ms. Bongiorno here, or stop by the art studio in 515! 

...with Ms. Bongiorno

Middle School Art

Last edited 8/29/2014

© 2014 by Alison Bongiorno. All rights reserved.

Collegium Charter School

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