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Art Wish List

"It's amazing what you can find in your basement!"


Collegium students have access to some wonderful materials and technology.

Some of the neatest things in our room were

found at thrift stores or were donated to us by charitable friends! 

While we recognize all the amazing things we already have access to, the teachers at CCS always like to dream big for our students. 



The following is a wish list of items and supplies

that I would love for my students to have:



                            - Electric pencil sharpener






                            - Unstretched canvas cloth






                            - Art books 

                                      Ms. Bongiorno always goes thrifting for the

                                                                       most color-rich art books she can find! 




                            - Mat board 

                                       Uncut pieces are great, and pre-cut mats welcomed, too.




                            - Potter's wheel

                                      I did mention that we dream big, right? 





                            - Zutter Bind-it-All and Owire

                                      These are awesome for making sketchbooks!





                            - Small bar clamps

                                       ...Ms. Bongiorno's attempt at growing a 3rd hand to help students





                            - Plaster (of Paris) 

                                       For building a clay reclaim area and sculptures





If you believe you may have access to any of these items, or other art materials,

and wish to help, please contact me.


...with Ms. Bongiorno

Middle School Art

Last edited 8/29/2014

© 2014 by Alison Bongiorno. All rights reserved.

Collegium Charter School

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